Amy on writing

I Hear Them Coming

As I near the end I hear them. The heat on my proverbial pen grows cold, and soon it will hold only the memory of warmth if I don’t respond.

It’s all in my head now and I hear them, speaking as they do or might. Speaking as I wish. Carefully mulling their inflections, intentions, desires.

Who are they? These people who speak inside my head? Fleshing themselves out, becoming.

It’s a good sign I think, the incessant chatter that fills the void as their predecessors stories come to an end. Does it mean I’m ready perhaps? To take my darlings, who’ve survived beyond the mighty pen and cast them into a cutthroat world where the first words they utter could be their last.

I’ve given them everything I have to ensure their survival and I’m ready to let them go. Will they make it? Will I?

They are only words they say, but it is I they speak to, I am all they have. And they are as real to me as anything. I don’t want to let them down.

They are me and I am them, these voices that crave the imprint of forever in ink and paper. To speak through my fingers in clicks and taps, hunts and pecks.

I’m almost ready, keep talking. We’ll get there soon enough.

*If you read between the melodramatic lines I hope you’ll smell what we’re stepping in here….

I’m done! I finished my rewrite of CAPTURE THE TIDE!

Baring the completion of a very critical beta read from a very exceptional WP blogger, I’m ready to get my book out there again. Send my R and R, Query it, whatever it takes. I’ve given it everything I have and I feel good.

So good that other WIPs MCs are conversing nonstop in my head ready to be told.

Come! Bask in my glory and tell me of your latest accomplishments. Toot some horns!

Cheers, Amy

16 thoughts on “I Hear Them Coming”

  1. I’m hoping everything goes well this time and I’ll be seeing your book at B&N and Books A Million… and Amazon 😊

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you. That means a lot. If I go anywhere with it, I’m really gonna count on my favorite WP peers to help me spread the word. I’ll be even more lost if I have to self pub.

        Liked by 1 person

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